Agricultural BMP Cost-Share Program

2024- 2025 Cost Share Mailer Documents:

The Shenandoah Valley Soil and Water Conservation District offers technical assistance, as well as financial assistance and state tax credit, for a variety of best management practices through the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share (VACS) Program.  The VACS program offers more than 80 conservation practices.  The Conservation District and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) frequently partner to assist producers with their conservation efforts.

If you are interested in learning more about the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Program or about best management practices that are eligible for cost share or tax credit, contact us at (540) 534-3105.

Printable VACS Program Fact Sheet

Here are a few of the best management practices common in the Shenandoah Valley:


Stream Fencing and Alternative Watering Systems

Fencing livestock out of streams improves stream health by minimizing streambank erosion and eliminating direct deposition of livestock waste.  Also, providing centralized water and utilizing cross fencing helps maximize grazing of available forages.  

Printable Stream Exclusion Fact Sheet

Eligible Components

  • Exclusion and cross fencing
  • Watering trough(s) and pipeline
  • Well and pump components
  • Stream crossing
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 60%-100% of total estimated project cost based on the setback and lifespan
  • Buffer payment: $80 per acre per year up to 15 acres on projects with 35- or 50-foot minimum setbacks per year of lifespan
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Stream Exclusion Continuing Conservation Initiative (CCI)

The Stream Exclusion CCI offers an incentive payment to maintain fences that exclude livestock from water bodies and associated alternative watering systems. Both fencing installed without assistance from a conservation program and fencing installed through a conservation program that is out of lifespan are eligible. Fencing currently in lifespan with any state, federal, or other conservation program is not eligible.  Click on the link for a printable version of the

Printable Stream Exclusion CCI Fact Sheet

Eligible Components

  • Permanent exclusion fence adjacent to pastureland
  • Associated water systems
  • Watering troughs
  • Controlled hardened water access and crossings

Cost-Share Incentive Rates

  • $0.50-$1.25 per linear foot of stream bank protected
  • $50 per acre of herbaceous buffer with a setback of at least 35 feet
  • $200 per acre of forested buffer with a setback of at least 35 feet
  • $500 per stream crossing/controlled hardened access
  • $250 per permanent trough
  • $1,000 per watering system
  • Not eligible for tax credit

Animal Waste Storage Facilities

Animal waste storage facilities are planned systems designed to manage liquid and/or solid waste from areas where livestock and poultry are concentrated.   These facilities allow wastes to be stored and spread at the proper time, rate, and location, reducing pollution and helping control surface runoff to improve water quality.

Printable Animal Waste Storage Facilities Fact Sheet

Litter Storage Shed and/or Composting Facility

These facilities are designed for poultry producers who need litter storage and/or composting facilities to meet the needs of their operation.

Liquid Manure Pit

These facilities are designed for producers who need liquid storage for manure generated on their operation.

Dry Stack Manure Storage Facility

These facilities are designed for producers who need dry manure storage as a result of confined feeding.

Eligible Components

  • Engineering services
  • Excavation and construction
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 75% of total estimated project cost
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Loafing Lot Management System

The intent of this practice is to prevent manure, soil, and nutrient runoff from denuded lots exposed to heavy livestock traffic.  In this practice, the area is divided into grass lots where cattle are rotated as necessary to maintain adequate vegetative cover.  A “sacrifice” area or loose housing facility is installed for use during periods of wet weather to prevent damage to the loafing lots.

Eligible Components

  • Fencing, walkways, and watering systems
  • Lot establishment and seeding
  • Loose housing facility
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 75% of total estimated project cost
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Animal Waste Continuing Conservation Initiative (CCI)

The Animal Waste CCI offers an incentive payment to maintain existing animal waste storage structures.  Both structures installed without assistance from a conservation program and structures installed through a conservation program that are out of lifespan are eligible. Structures currently in lifespan with any state, federal, or other conservation program are not eligible.

Printable Animal Waste CCI Fact Sheet

Cost-Share Incentive Rates

  • $5,000.00 per structure
  • For poultry operations: $1.50/animal unit based on annual manure production for current operation’s flock size
  • For non-poultry operations: $25.00/animal unit based on current operation’s herd size for manure treated/produced
  • $250.00/bin or bin equivalent for mortality composting facility

Cropland Conversion to Hay or Pasture

Conversion of cropland to hay or pasture provides year-round ground cover, reducing soil erosion. Mixed stands of grasses and/or legumes are recommended.

Printable Cropland Conversion to Hay or Pasture Fact Sheet

Eligible Components

  • Seed and planting costs
  • Soil test
  • Lime and fertilizer
  • Herbicides and pesticides

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rate

  • Cost share: 75% of total estimated project cost
  • Incentive payment: $25/acre for 5-year lifespan, $100/acre for 10-year lifespan, OR $150/acre for 15-year lifespan
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Winter Cover Crops

Cover crops prevent soil erosion, reduce runoff, and take up excess nitrogen that otherwise would leach into groundwater. As biomass from crop residues accumulates, it improves soil structure and tilth while also improving moisture retention and drought resistance.

Printable Cover Crop Fact Sheet

Eligible Small-Grain Species

  • Rye, wheat, barley, triticale and mixtures

Cost-Share or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Harvestable Small Grain: $20-$30 per acre
  • Non-Harvestable Small Grain: $40-$100 per acre
  • Non-Harvestable Small Grain Cover Crop with Fall Manure Application: $20-$65 per acre
  • Cover crop for Managing Liquid or Semi-Solid Manure: $35 per acre
  • Legume Cover Crop: $45 per acre
  • Protective Cover for Specialty Crops:  $40 per acre
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Testing for Corn

This program requires testing the soil when the corn is 8-15 inches in height at the whorl, which allows nitrate to be applied just ahead of the plant’s peak demand.  Test results indicate the available amount of nitrogen and can be used to determine how much nitrate should be side dressed.

Printable PSNT Fact Sheet

Eligible Components

  • Soil test(s)
  • Nitrate application

Cost-Share or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: $12 per soil test AND $6/acre for following nitrogen recommendations
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Manure Injection

Placing manure directly into the soil root zone increases nutrient recovery, leading to a reduction in commercial fertilizer costs and reduced crop damage and application costs.  See the equipment in action or check out this informative video to learn more manure injection and the benefits and challenges of implementation.

Printable Manure Injection Fact Sheet

Cost-Share or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: $45/acre reimbursement
  • State tax credit if cost share is not taken: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Tree Planting on Crop, Pasture, or Riparian Lands

Cost share is available for two practices for tree planting. One practice establishes trees and/or shrubs on land used for crop, hay, or pasture to help control erosion, provide wildlife habitat, and benefit aquatic environments. The other practice creates a woodland buffer filter area to protect waterways or water bodies by reducing erosion, sedimentation, and the pollution of water from agricultural non-point sources.

Printable Tree Planting Fact Sheet

Eligible Components

  • Site preparation, trees/shrubs, and planting costs
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 75% of total estimated project cost AND $100-$500/acre incentive payment based on type of trees planted and lifespan
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Critical Area Treatment

The purpose of this practice is to address areas that are void of vegetation and causing erosion.  The lack of vegetation can be caused by livestock or by the channelized flow of water.

Eligible Components

  • Grading and shaping
  • Grass seed and stone
  • Protective fencing
  • Erosion control structures
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 75% of total estimated project cost
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Roof Runoff Management System

The purpose of this practice is to manage roof runoff by installing gutters on existing agricultural structures in areas where runoff comes into contact with animal waste, such as in barnyards and feeding areas.

Eligible Components

  • Gutters
  • Downspouts
  • Drainlines
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 75% of total estimated project cost
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses

Sinkhole Protection

The purpose of this practice is to improve water quality by removing sources of pollution from sinkholes and providing adequate buffers to filter sediment and nutrients from surface water that enters the groundwater through sinkholes.

Eligible Components

  • Debris removal
  • Exclusion fencing
  • Grading and shaping
  • Reseeding
  • Other components deemed eligible

Cost-Share and/or Tax-Credit Rates

  • Cost share: 75% of estimated cost to protect the sinkhole, remove debris, and establish a buffer
  • Tax credit: 25% of eligible out-of-pocket expenses