Symposium: Our Karst Landscape and Water Quality
Held June 4, 2024, Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA
Karst experts from the U.S. Geological Survey, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation provide an overview of the unique hydrogeology of our karst landscape as it applies to policy and practice in conservation and in planning and development.
Slide Presentations
How does Karst Work? — Joel Maynard
Karst and Groundwater Quality (Leetown, WV) — Mark Kozar
Karst and Groundwater Quality (WV & N. Shenandoah) — Mark Kozar
Why Does Karst Matter? — Jimmy Webber
Why Does Karst Matter? (Biodiversity) — Wil Orndorff
Why Does Karst Matter? (Stormwater Management) — Wil Orndorff
Data collected by the USGS on Smith Creek near New Market, VA
DEQ Karst Well Videos
Bottom-hole Karst Conduit in Water Well – Craig County, Virginia
Copopods and Oligochaete Worms in Karst Well, Rockingham County, Virginia, USA (Part 2)
Karst groundwater hydraulics in supply well, Virginia
Borehole Video of Microconduit Flow in Karst Well in Scott County, Virginia PART 1
Other Videos
How Groundwater Moves in Southeast Minnesota [Part 1] (video)
How Contaminants (Like Nitrate) Move in Southeast Minnesota [Part 2] (video)
Articles and Reports
DEQ Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook
Cave/Karst Resources Across the Appalachian LCC: A Visual Guide (pdf)
Virginia Energy Sinkholes and Karst
Evaluating water-quality trends in agricultural watersheds prioritized for management-practice implementation Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Springs of Virginia DEQ Office of Water Supply Groundwater Characterization Program Open File Report 23-01
Spatial and temporal variation of stream chemistry associated with contrasting geology and land-use patterns in the Chesapeake Bay watershed—Summary of results from Smith Creek, Virginia; Upper Chester River, Maryland; Conewago Creek, Pennsylvania; and Difficult Run, Virginia, 2010–2013 USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5093
Quantifying watershed-scale groundwater loading and in-stream fate of nitrate using high-frequency water quality data American Geophysical Union
Karst geomorphology and hydrology of the Shenandoah Valley near Harrisonburg, Virginia (book chapter) New Ideas about Old Terranes
Occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Inorganic Analytes in Groundwater and Surface Water Used as Sources for Public Water Supply in West Virginia USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5067
Assessment of hydrogeologic terrains, well-construction characteristics, groundwater hydraulics, and water-quality and microbial data for determination of surface-water-influenced groundwater supplies in West Virginia USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5048
Groundwater quality in West Virginia, 1993-2008 USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5186
Geohydrology, water availability, and water quality of Jefferson County, West Virginia, with emphasis on the carbonate area
USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4118
Geohydrology, ground-water availability, and ground-water quality of Berkeley County, West Virginia, with emphasis on the carbonate-rock area USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-407
The use of morphologic character analysis to determine sinkhole risk for solar site development Proceedings of the 2021 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium
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